Accepted by insurance. No prescription needed.

Luna is outpatient physical therapy, covered by insurance, and delivered to you at home.

Janice Pe

Janice Pe

Physical Therapist

phoenix, AZ

About Janice Pe

The healthcare community within AZ in Phoenix unequivocally comes together, recognizing the importance of physical therapy to enhance patients' overall well-being and facilitate their path towards recovery. With a dedication of 5 years to the field of Physical Therapy, Janice Pe has earned industry-wide recognition and respect due to their unwavering commitment in integrating physical therapy into patients' treatment plans. With their deep understanding and vast knowledge, Janice Pe expertly guides patients on a transformative healing journey, surpassing expectations by employing proven techniques and customizing exercise programs. Through a comprehensive approach that presents undeniable evidence of positive outcomes, Janice Pe passionately advocates for the improvement of individuals' overall well-being and physical abilities.

Janice Pe's clinic has earned a reputation in the healthcare industry for its exceptional personalized patient care across various medical treatments, thanks to their unwavering commitment. With their exceptional skills, the team is able to effectively showcase a wide array of medical services that encompass preventive healthcare, precise evaluations, and effective remedies for diverse conditions. With a serene atmosphere, Janice Pe utilizes active listening and comprehensive evaluations to develop personalized treatment plans that address the distinct requirements of every client. Individuals can greatly enhance their physical well-being and ultimately increase overall life satisfaction by adopting a nurturing mindset, implementing effective strategies, and staying informed about the latest medical advancements.

Arizona Insurances Accepted


The crucial step towards recovery and wellness involves securing the proper insurance coverage, and physical therapy serves as a key element in this journey for accessing quality care. Luna® in Phoenix, AZ streamlines your copay experience by accepting multiple insurance plans and overseeing benefits verification, ensuring consistency with PT clinic rates. Simplifying your journey to top-tier physical therapy services, the Luna® network incorporates premier insurance providers like Cigna, Medicare, and Medicare, alleviating concerns about coverage. Our dedicated support team is here to aid you in navigating the insurance landscape, making certain that you can access physical therapy precisely when and where you need it the most.


Frequently asked questions

Can I see the same physical therapist every visit?

We strive to have a single therapist work with each patient for their entire course of care. Sometimes your scheduling priorities may require adjustments, but you’ll always know who is seeing you for your appointment in advance.

Book an at-home appointment

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Why in-home PT is better

More convenience means our patients actually complete their care plans.
See our clinic comparison chart.

1:1 personalized treatments


Equipment comes to you


Convenient care

45-55 minutes of in-person care means faster recovery in fewer treatments.

Your PT will bring a treatment table and a mobile kit. 90% of cases don't need heavy machines.

Skip the clinic with no added fees. Covered by insurance and safely delivered to you on your schedule.


1:1 personalized treatments

45-55 minutes of in-person care means faster recovery in fewer treatments.


Equipment comes to you

Your PT will bring a treatment table and a mobile kit. 90% of cases don't need heavy machines.


Convenient care

Skip the clinic with no added fees. Covered by insurance and safely delivered to you on your schedule.