In-home PT means convenient
outpatient therapy
for your patients.

In-Person Delivery In-App Exercises

How it works

Luna has exceptional therapists in your patients’ communities and accepts all major insurances and Medicare.
Join the 20,000+ physicians that actively refer to Luna today.


In-home PT


Convenient support


Expert therapists

A Luna therapist will treat your patient at their home via in-person delivery and prescribed in-app exercises.

Your patient can book appointments online or over the phone. We’ll confirm their insurance coverage before the first visit, so there are no billing surprises.

We’ll use your patient’s clinical needs to match them with a therapist with the right expertise. And your patient will work with the same therapist for every appointment.


In-home PT

A Luna therapist will treat your patient at their home via in-person delivery and prescribed in-app exercises.


Convenient support

Your patient can book appointments online or over the phone. We’ll confirm their insurance coverage before the first visit, so there are no billing surprises.


Expert therapists

We’ll use your patient’s clinical needs to match them with a therapist with the right expertise. And your patient will work with the same therapist for every appointment.


Meet some of our therapists


Covered by insurance



$0 per visit

Most Medicare plans with a secondary cover your patient’s entire cost. They’ll pay nothing to Luna.



$125 per visit

Your patient won’t be charged until after their visit is completed.

Do you perform Medicare bundled surgeries? Physicians who refer to Luna save on average $3,000 per case.


Technology-enabled physical therapy

Receive weekly patient PT progress updates via the Luna Physician Dashboard.

  • Timely: Sent weekly by secure email
  • Relevant: Organized by each physician
  • Insightful: Case distribution, patient demographics, and more
  • Valuable: Pain level and functional scale improvements
  • Efficient: Easily view each patient’s status

Physician dashboard


In-app exercises


Concierge service

Physicians can view a patient’s healing progress with Luna’s weekly physician dashboard.

Patients can stay motivated, track progress, and heal faster with therapist prescribed and monitored exercises.

Patients can schedule and manage visits, message their therapist, and use their insurance to pay.


Physician dashboard

Physicians can view a patient’s healing progress with Luna’s weekly physician dashboard.


In-app exercises

Patients can stay motivated, track progress, and heal faster with therapist prescribed and monitored exercises.


Concierge service

Patients can schedule and manage visits, message their therapist, and use their insurance to pay.


Luna for physician groups


Reduce operating costs


Maintain exceptional care


See the clinical impact

Physician groups that partner with Luna are able to re-allocate existing staff costs toward other initiatives.

We’ll reserve appointment times for you so your patients never have to wait. Luna is available in every part of your metropolitan area, 7 days per week.

Patients have greater success with Luna because we prioritize access to the best therapists, our technology platform, and ongoing care.


Reduce operating costs

Physician groups that partner with Luna are able to re-allocate existing staff costs toward other initiatives.


Maintain exceptional care

We’ll reserve appointment times for you so your patients never have to wait. Luna is available in every part of your metropolitan area, 7 days per week.


See the clinical impact

Patients have greater success with Luna because we prioritize access to the best therapists, our technology platform, and ongoing care.


Connect with our practice




Prescription pads


In your EMR

We can deliver Rx pads to your office, just let us know when it’d be convenient.

Add Luna to your EMR for easy referrals. We already work with many EMRs in the market.



Use our secure web form to send us a prescription for your patient.


Prescription pads

We can deliver Rx pads to your office, just let us know when it’d be convenient.


In your EMR

Add Luna to your EMR for easy referrals. We already work with many EMRs in the market.

Dr. Jeff Croke

Internal Medical Group, Palo Alto

quotes Luna represents everything physicians like to hear: experienced therapists, no wait times, and convenient in home care. Better accessibility is critical for patients’ outcomes and Luna is a breakthrough in the physical therapy options for busy patients. quotes


Submit a prescription

Submit an Rx securely for your patient using the form below.
We’ll use this information to contact and onboard your patient to Luna.

Patient Prescription for PT

Submit Rx by Fax: (628) 246-8418


Frequently asked questions

Is there a waiting list for new patients?

No—we maintain a schedule that can always accommodate new patients. Our practice is designed to make care more accessible. Most patients can have their first at-home physical therapy appointment within 48 hours of signing up. Our therapists work 6:30 am - 8:30 pm, 7 days a week.

Are Luna therapists experienced?

Therapists practicing with Luna have been treating patients for 3+ years, often considerably more. Each therapist completes a thorough interview process, a background check, and engages with our team on their goals and their commitment to providing high-quality care. Our community of therapists has expertise in a variety of specialities, including orthopedics, neurology, geriatrics, vestibular and post-operative care. Many of our therapists have worked in marquee outpatient facilities like Stanford Hospital, Kaiser Permanente, UCSF, and the Mills-Peninsula Medical Center. Others have worked at independent practices that are focused on sports medicine and physical therapy.

Do patients always see the same therapist?

Most of the time, yes. While a patient’s scheduling priorities may require adjustments, we strive to have a single therapist work with each patient for their entire course of care.

Are Luna visits covered by insurance?

Luna accepts all major insurances and Medicare. We handle the benefits verification process for your patients. With Luna, your patients always pay the same exact co-pay their insurance plan has for visiting a PT clinic. Our self-pay rate is $125 per visit.

How can I submit a prescription for my patient?

Submit a prescription for your patient through this page, via our hand delivered prescription pads, or through your EMR. If your patient reaches out to us directly, we will communicate back with your office.

How can I monitor my patient’s progress?

You can easily monitor patient progress via our weekly Physician Dashboard. You’ll be able to view everything from case distribution to how your patients are improving as they complete their PT case with Luna.

Why does PT at-home increase patient recovery?

More convenience means your patients will actually complete their care plans. Our therapists spend up to 4x more time with each patient than they can in a traditional clinic. Each patient gets a full 45-55 minute appointment that’s 100% focused on their course of care. That 1:1 level of attention leads to a more personalized patient experience, higher patient participation, and ultimately, a better outcome. Read more here.

How are exercises prescribed by Luna therapists?

Luna therapists prescribe exercises in the Luna App for patients to perform to aid in their recovery. Luna PTs can monitor their patient’s progress and modify their workout plan between visits or during their next visit to ensure patients get better faster.

Submit Rx Now

Send Fax: (628) 246-8418