Physical therapy in Doral, Florida for gait analysis

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Meet with the best gait analysis physical therapists in Doral, Florida

Doral, Florida, Luna’s physical therapists specialize in helping patients retrain their gait to promote healthier movement, improve balance, and prevent injury. As experts in gait training, your PT can guide you through a PT regimen that will offer tangible, lasting results.

Best of all, with Luna, patients can receive physical therapy for gait in the comfort of their homes. Our physical therapists come to you — it’s physical therapy, delivered.


What is gait analysis?

Physical therapists frequently perform gait analysis when patients are struggling with gait abnormalities that make walking or running inefficient or painful. A gait analysis can reveal valuable insights regarding walking speed, balance, range of motion, and reflexes. It can also help patients identify and correct the habits that are contributing to discomfort.

Thanks to advancing technology, gait analyses are more detailed, thorough, and accurate than ever before. It’s not uncommon for a gait analysis to incorporate a comprehensive physical examination, a motion and muscle assessment, video recording, muscle-monitoring electrodes, and force platforms that measure the force of the footstep on the ground.

Source: AlterG

Why do people need gait analysis?

Generally speaking, two groups of people can benefit from gait analysis: those with conditions or previous injuries that cause their walking gait to be painful or awkward, or athletes looking to take their game to the next level.

Patients with gait dysfunctions, such as waddling or a limp, can often benefit from gait analysis, as retraining walking patterns begins with understanding those patterns in detail. Gait analysis can also be used to perfect running form, which is why many athletes can benefit from it. Often, a faster mile time is just around the corner — but requires a simple form correction first.

The most common reasons for gait analysis include:

  • Gait abnormalities
  • Injuries
  • Athletic goals

Source: Move Forward PT


Physical therapy for gait analysis in Doral, Florida

Gait analysis is commonly employed at the start of a comprehensive physical therapy regimen tailored to the patient’s conditions, needs, and goals. Upon completion, an experienced physical therapist can create a routine that corrects inefficiencies and results in a more comfortable, effective stride.

In order to correct gait, your physical therapist will likely employ a number of strategies. These may include pre-gait training — or retraining each of the movements and habits that make up a step — bracing, gait training, and balance training.

Source: Move Forward PT

Frequently asked questions

Where are Luna therapists seeing patients?

Our therapists are ready to conduct physical therapy appointments in the comfort of your home throughout the Doral area. Across all the communities we cater to, we bring physical therapy to your doorstep, prioritizing convenience for your PT experience.

Is physical therapy covered by insurance?

Our collaboration with multiple insurance plans streamlines the benefits verification process for your ease. With Luna, your co-pay will consistently match the precise amount specified by your insurance plan for visiting a PT clinic. We accept all major insurances and Medicare.

Is there a waiting list for new patients?

No way! We're committed to ensuring a hassle-free start for patients in their physical therapy experience. New patients are always accommodated promptly, and in the majority of cases, their first at-home physical therapy session can be scheduled within 48 hours of signing up. Our therapists are available for appointments from 6:30 am to 8:30 pm, seven days a week. Check Availability.

Who are Luna’s physical therapists?

Therapists practicing with Luna are experienced—they’ve been treating patients for a minimum of 3 years, but often considerably more. Each therapist completes a thorough interview process and background check. And we only work with therapists who are committed to providing high-quality care to their patients.
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come to you. Check availability.