Physical therapy in Northridge, California for Women’s health therapy

Why in-home PT is better

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Meet with the best Women’s health therapy physical therapists in Northridge, California

Northridge, California, Luna’s physical therapists specialize in treating women’s health issues. With effective pain management techniques and a tailored treatment plan, your PT can help you put pain and discomfort behind you.

Best of all, Luna provides in-home physical therapy for women’s health issues. Our therapists come to you. It’s physical therapy, delivered.


What is women’s health therapy?

Because men and women (on average) have some significant differences in their musculature and skeletons, the same physical therapy regimens don’t always work for both sexes. That’s why some physical therapists specialize in treating women; these medical professionals understand the particularities of the female body and can thus treat them effectively and safely.

In addition, therapists who specialize in women’s health are aware of the various problems that women can run into throughout every stage of their life. For example, young female athletes tend to have performance-limiting knee and foot pain that men often don’t face. Similarly, pregnancy can cause a number of physical problems that are unique to women.

In sum, women’s health therapists are experts in both women’s conditions and how general conditions specifically affect women. Thus, they’re specially equipped to help women live a fulfilling and pain-free life at every stage and age.

Source: PT Solutions

What conditions require women’s health therapy?

Physical therapists who specialize in women’s health most commonly treat conditions that women alone deal with — most often, pelvic floor dysfunction or complications related to pregnancy. It’s not uncommon for women to experience low back pain during or after pregnancy, and this is a problem for which women often seek the expertise of a physical therapist.

In addition, women’s health therapists can treat pelvic floor problems, from frequent urination to pain during sex to loss of bladder control while sneezing or laughing.

The most common reasons for women’s health therapy include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Childbirth
  • Chronic constipation
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain during sex

Source: ATIPT


Physical therapy for Women’s health therapy in Northridge, California

Women’s health therapy can vary widely from patient to patient, as many conditions fall under this umbrella. That said, therapists who specialize in this field are equipped to create safe, effective, and personalized regimens for each one of their patients.

Possible treatment tactics include lifestyle and environmental modifications, passive treatment methods such as deep tissue massage, biofeedback, and electrical stimulation, stretching and strengthening exercises, hot and cold therapy, and more.

Source: ATIPT

Frequently asked questions

Where are Luna therapists seeing patients?

Across the Northridge area, our therapists are at your service for in-home physical therapy sessions. We're committed to reaching you wherever you are, in any neighborhood we cover, to ensure that your PT experience is as convenient and accessible as possible.

Is physical therapy covered by insurance?

Luna works with a wide range of insurance plans, managing the benefits verification process on your behalf. When you choose Luna, your co-pay will always match the exact amount specified by your insurance plan for visiting a PT clinic. We're proud to accept all major insurances and Medicare.

Is there a waiting list for new patients?

Not at all—we're committed to ensuring a hassle-free start for patients embarking on their physical therapy journey. New patients are always accommodated, and for most, their first at-home physical therapy session can be scheduled within 48 hours of signing up. Our therapists are available from 6:30 am to 8:30 pm, seven days a week, providing the flexibility to cater to your schedule. Check Availability.

Who are Luna’s physical therapists?

The therapists affiliated with Luna are seasoned practitioners, with a minimum of 3 years of experience, frequently with many more years of practice. Every therapist undergoes a meticulous interview and thorough background check. Our collaboration is exclusively with therapists who are devoted to offering exceptional care to their patients.
Covered by insurance and we
come to you. Check availability.